Friday, January 18, 2008

The Bible Talks About Mold

No matter where we are or what time we have lived in, mold has always been there to make us sick and to affect our property and belongings. Insurance companies are quick to tell you that mold is not that much of a health threat and that it has been around longer than we humans have been, but this is just an argument they use so they do not have to pay your insurance claim. If your insurance claims adjuster comments that mold has been around for thousands of years and that it is not a real health threat, whatever you do, DO NOT agree with him. Dispute it. If you agree to anything he says and even remotely say that you might not have a claim, you will not have a claim and you will receive no benefits. Be steadfast when filing your claim and if necessary, you can even cite the Holy Bible to show that mold has always been a health threat to human beings and their animals.

Leviticus chapter 14:39-47 states that mold living in a building was not to be tolerated. It blatantly calls the building “diseased” or “plagued”, depending on which version of the scripture that you read. Rabbis were sent into the homes to inspect them and if they were found to be infected, the stones in the house that had mold on them were removed and taken to a landfill of sorts far away from the village. The house was sealed up for 7 days and after that, the rabbi came back to see if the mold infection returned. If it did, all the building materials for the house were torn down and thrown into the same landfill the first stones were and it was rebuilt. Any clothing that had been contaminated with mold was shown to the rabbi and if it was found to be infected, it also was taken to that landfill.

Insurance companies can dispute the ill health effects of mold on the human and animal body as much as they want to, but the proof is there. The Bible states that mold was considered a problem and a cause of disease in ancient times and we should consider it no less today. If your landlord, insurance claims adjuster, or anyone else you are trying to make a claim with insists that mold poses no real threat to you or your family, disagree with them and get the money for the repairs or relocation that you deserve.